Estimation Made Easy


Accurately estimating points is crucial in Go for deciding your next moves and strategy. Master this vital skill in 41 minutes with 5 methods - 2 easy techniques for anyone, 1 for experienced players, and 2 pro-level approaches. This compact lecture teaches everything you need to evaluate the lead and plan your game based on point estimations.

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Estimation - The Key to Winning Go

Accurately estimating the point situation separates Go amateurs from pros. Too many players misjudge the lead, make poor fights, or resign games they could have won - all from failing to properly estimate.

In just 41 minutes, you'll learn 5 powerful estimation methods that don't require tedious intersection counting. We'll also cover a streamlined counting approach for maximum accuracy when needed.

Understand the strategic importance of estimation for guiding your decisions: when to avoid fights, make bold moves, tenaciously fight, and play away from the main action. Recognizing these pivotal moments is crucial.

By the end, you'll have an arsenal of estimation skills, know their significance, and precisely when to apply them for maximum impact. Avoid blunders, seize opportunities, and elevate your game.

Unlock this game-changing skill now! Enroll to gain the foresight for navigating any Go position with confidence.

What you will receive:

  • 7 page PDF on theories and ideas

  • A picture to aid your learning experience

  • 41-minutes of video instruction