Thickness Made Easy


Unlock the secrets of Thickness in Go with this 3.5-hour online course. Through 7 detailed lessons, you'll master this crucial concept from every angle - definition, strategic purposes, directions, aggressive applications, invasions, building moyo, and long-term strategy.

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Welcome to "Thickness Made Easy" - an in-depth online course that will transform your understanding and application of this crucial concept in the game of Go.

Go is a deep and fascinating game where strategy and intuition intertwine. Among many vital principles, Thickness stands out as a fundamental aspect that separates Kyu players from dan players. By mastering how to use and deal with Thickness, you'll unlock new levels of reading ability, decision-making, and overall strength in your games.

In this comprehensive 3.5-hour course, we'll dive deep into the world of Thickness through 7 detailed lessons, each focusing on a specific facet of this multifaceted concept. You'll not only learn the theoretical foundations but also gain practical skills to identify, create, and leverage Thickness effectively.

Lesson 1: What is Thickness?

We'll start by defining Thickness and exploring what this pivotal concept entails in the context of Go.

Lesson 2: What Does Thickness Do?

Discover the strategic purposes and advantages that Thickness provides on the Go board.

Lesson 3: Directions

Learn how Thickness operates differently based on its directional orientation and how to read and play according to these nuances.

Lesson 4: Thickness for Aggressive Reasons

This lesson covers using Thickness as an aggressive tool to gain profits.

Lesson 5: Thickness for Invasions

Explore how to leverage Thickness to create formidable invasions and tear your opponents apart.

Lesson 6: Thickness to Build Moyo

Discover strategies on how to construct broad to get powerful frameworks and increase potential territories using Thickness.

Lesson 7: Thickness for Strategic Reasons

In the final lesson, we'll examine Thickness as a long-term strategic concept for mapping out your game plan.

Whether you're a dedicated amateur or an aspiring professional, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to elevate your Go game to new heights. Join us on this journey to mastering Thickness and unlock the true depth of this ancient and captivating game.